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For contemporary artists, tasked with holding a mirror to current societal issues, the realities facing communities across the globe and around the Bay Area during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic deeply impacted artists’ ability to create. They also became the central themes explored in developing new creative works. Bay Area artists navigated the closures, cancelations, and shifting restrictions by exploring mediums, creating virtual connections, and inviting new ways of engaging.


In turn, the Wattis Foundation response was guided once again by the vision of its founder, Phyllis C. Wattis and her commitment to working artists. Over 2020 – 2022, the Foundation participated in pooled funds designed to support individual local artists and arts organizations. A few of these emergency relief efforts included both the East Bay and San Francisco Arts & Artists Relief Funds, Theatre Bay Area Performing Arts Worker Relief Fund, Artists’ Adaptability Circles Program, Artists Now, and the Northern California Grantmakers Emergency Arts Loan Fund.


During this period, the foundation distributed nearly $3 million in grants in direct support for artists and the organizations that present, sponsor, and develop their work.

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